Sunday, June 29, 2014

Each time I go to pray, and seek God’s direction in the ministry; the Lord gives me three words… I have called you. That’s it!
     When I’m done in Omaha, my internship is up, and I’m headed into the vast unknown places of ministry, feeling like there is no way I can be a local director. When it’s too much to bear, I pour out my heart before God and He says… “I have called you.”
      I cry out to Him and wonder how a person so young, inadequate and unworthy could possibly be thrust into such a high position of leadership, I tell Him I cannot do this. Why didn’t He pick someone else!? And again He whispers “I have called you.” I wonder if I’ll make it. Once more it echoes loud and clear I have called you. The days I feel like I want to give up, the mountain simply too high to climb, He pulls me up and says “I have called you.” I wonder what people are saying behind my back and all of the things I must surely be doing wrong and He says, “Amy! I have called YOU.”
    That seems to be the only thing I need to know. Despite my mistakes, my shortcomings, my inadequacies, my problems, my fears, my doubts, He has chosen to use me.
     I must trust that my Lord will be faithful to accomplish His will in and through my life. I have nothing to fear. Nothing to doubt. Nothing to question. He has called me and even though I don’t even know where I will live, how the bills are going to be paid, or what on earth I’m doing, God knows. He has a perfect plan that will work together for my good and His glory. I can trust Him completely. For faithful is He that called you who also will do it.
     I have called you. And since He has called me He has also taken care of everything I need to serve and follow Him faithfully. Not one thing has been left out or forgotten by my loving Lord. I must take one step of faith at a time and trust that underneath me are the everlasting arms to uphold me and keep me from falling.
     I must step out in faith. Even if the ONLY thing I’m sure of, and makes any kind of sense, is that I’m exactly where God wants me.
     I have called you. And with that comes the all-sufficiency of Christ… that is enough. That IS all I need to know and I will trust Him even though I know nothing else.

“What have I to dread, what have I to fear?

Leaning on the everlasting arms!”

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

      The grace of God continues to amaze and humble me. To anyone on the other side of a hard bridge that must be crossed, I am here to tell you that God is with you every step of the way, laying it all out for you. All that must be suffered, He as already suffered for you and provided the grace to make it through each trial and hardship in life. Don’t be discouraged. You will find in your God all that you need Him to be no matter where He takes you.
     How often we look forward with dread and fear, only to be humbled and greatly sorrowful over our lack of faith to the One who truly does provide every. single. ounce. of grace.
     Cast every fear and reservation at the foot of the cross. Serve God in freedom, through the blood of Jesus that was shed for you, pouring your entire heart, soul, mind and strength out in total love and submission to the Lord.
     Use each opportunity to serve God in full. For then, and only then, will you find true peace, contentment and joy that overflows from the streams of Calvary!

 "Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you...." 
(1 Peter 5:7)

Monday, March 11, 2013

 of America. 

"Arise, cry out in the night, at the beginning of the night watches; pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord, lift up your hands towards Him for the life of your young children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street." 
-Lamentations 2:19

   As I work among the children in America, I can't help but grieve over the thousands, upon thousands, of little ones that are slowly being robbed of their right to know God. All evidence of a Creator who loves and cares for them, who sent His very Son to die for their sins, snuffed out. Kids are told God does not belong in school as public officials ruthlessly remove all evidence that He exists.

     We are so blind to the fact that our children are constantly under attack--mentally, physically and spiritually. Satan does all that he can to keep these kids from knowing their Savior.

      So often, they turn to whatever makes them feel good. Video games, TV, trashy books, drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex, gangs, or perhaps their "inner power." Anything in attempt to fill, and explain away, the nagging void that only Jesus can fill. But it's all in vain. It is all useless.

Without Christ, they have no. hope. 

     Oh Christian! Don't be fooled into thinking the only real mission field lies in the jungles of Africa. We tend think that surely our kids are safe, we must rescue the ones who are really in trouble. Oh, that can not be further from the truth! Our kids may not be dying of starvation physically, but they are dying of starvation spiritually. They too, are perishing.

     Not one person, not one child, can be safe until his eternal security rests in Jesus. When God commands us to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, He means America too.

     How lazy and naive we, as American Christians, have become. If you would get out of your overstuffed chairs, turn off the TV, and walk around your block you would come to realize 

the mission field 
is much 
closer than you think! 

     We must not turn our backs and leave our precious homeland to die when so little is being done to spread the pure, simple, and life-giving Gospel message...
 Jesus Christ and Him crucified.

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"Our Savior sent His children forth, 
to go to every land. 

To the islands and the uttermost, 
to find forgotten man. 

But the most forgotten mission field, 
is within our country's shores.

So who will go to America? 
She needs Jesus Christ the Lord."